Watch Dr Duane Miller Discuss Understanding Exile to Redemption at the Hands of the Messiah of God, ישעיהו נב:א-ז / Isaiah 52:1-7


Discussion: In this study we analyze the transformation from degradation to dignity and the spiritual awakening necessary for receiving God’s salvation. We discuss the themes of divine intervention, liberation from bondage, and the promise of redemption without monetary means in Isaiah 52.

#Isaiah #Torah #Christian #Messianic #apologetics #NT

Part 3
0:43 Targum Jonathan Son of Uziel on Isaiah 52.1-7
2:12 Breaking down the Aramaic translation Isaiah 52.1-2
7:36 How God shares His glory, scepter, throne, righteousness, and holiness according to the scriptures (Midrash Tehillim 21.2)
18:24 Breaking down the Aramaic translation Isaiah 52.3-5
24:15 Breaking down the Aramaic translation Isaiah 52.6-7
29:17 The rabbis speak of Mashiach ben Yosef the suffering servant Messiah.

Live Stream Begins: USA: Wednesday 6:30 PM EST

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