Watch Dr Duane Miller – Discuss the Topic “Satan and the Underlying Spiritual Influence that Move Leaders and People to Sin,” , ישעיהו כז:א-ו / Isaiah 27:1-6


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0:31 Targum Jonathan son of Uziel on Isaiah 27,1-6 תרגום יונתן בן עוזיאל אל ישעיה פרק כז:א-ז
10:57 Ibn Ezra on Isaiah 27,1 Part 6 associating kings of the earth to the serpent
14:10 Ibn Ezra on Isaiah 27,2 Part 1 and Rashi on Isaiah 27,2 Part 1
15:14 Midrash Tanchuma Mishpatim 5,11 locating the timeframe of God’s wrath being poured out upon the world
17:05 Rabbinic parallel to book of Revelation 14,12-20
21:42 Midrash Tanchuma Mishpatim 5,8 All of Torah hangs on Justice
24:39 Rabbinic parallel to Hebrews 10,26-31
26:53 Rashi on Isaiah 27,4 Part 2
31:49 Midrash Rabbah on Shemot / Exodus 30,19
34:28 Rashi on Isaiah 27,5 Part 1-2 Taking hold of the stronghold is synonymous to taking hold of God’s Torah and His holy Ways

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