Watch Dr Duane Miller Discuss How Another Anti-Missionary Claim is Debunked, the Name Yeshua, Isaiah 29:19-24


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1:18 Targum Jonathan Son of Uziel on Isaiah 29,19-24 תרגום יונתן בן עוזיאל אל ישעיה פרק כט:יט-כד
4:33 Matthew 11,27-30 What does it mean to take on the Yoke of Heaven
9:33 Nefesh HaChayim 14, Creating a pleasant dwelling place in our heart / mind for God
13:52 1 Corinthians 6,19-20 golrifying God in body and in spirit
19:23 Kohelet Rabbah 7:2 Part 1, do not murmer or grumble and how we conduct ourselves
23:26 The Name of Yeshua and the Anti-Missionary claims Ezra 3,2
27:33 Likutei Moharan 57,9 Part 3 on repentance and the gates of holiness
30:50 Sever Chasidim 40,1 on being persecuted for the sake of the commandments of God
36:03 Rashi on Isaiah 29,22 Part 1 on Abraham being redeemed
38:32 Sefer HaMitzvot, Positive commandments 9,1 we are commanded to publicize the truth faith to the world
42:29 Matthew 16,24-26 following the Messiah and losing one’s life
43:12 Romans 6,3-12 dying to ourselves and living for the Lord

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