Watch Dr Duane D Miller Discuss The Smell of Death and God’s Mercy and Grace, ישעיהו מח:ח-יד / Isaiah 48:8-14


Description: A Fresh Start with God’s New Creation: This video unpacks the rabbinic commentary on Isaiah 48:8-14, revealing the importance of embracing God’s new creation in our lives. Discover the power of a fresh start and how these verses can inspire spiritual growth and renewal.

#Isaiah #Torah #Christian #Messianic #apologetics #NT

Part 3
0:40 Targum Jonathan Son of Uziel Isaiah 48.8-14 תרגום יונתן בן עוזיאל אל ישעיה פרק מח:ח-יד
2:30 Digging deeper into the Targum on Isaiah 48.8-9
7:55 Likutei Moharan commentary and the Smell of Death
13:24 Rashi on Isaiah 48:9 Parts 1-2 on the nose, anger, and God restraining his wrath.
17:59 Digging deeper into the Targum on Isaiah 48.10-12
22:53 Aggadat Bereshit 84.1 on faith and entry to heaven.
26:16 Digging deeper into the Targum on Isaiah 48.13-14
31:04 Ein Yaakov Ketubot 1.1 on righteous deeds making a place for God’s residence in our lives.

Live Stream Begins: USA: Wednesday 6:30 PM EST

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