Watch Dr Duane D Miller Discuss Isaiah 58:8-14: Spiritual Liberation and Divine Guidance


Description: Join us as we explore Isaiah 58:8-14, a passage that promises righteousness, health, and continual guidance from the Lord. We’ll discuss how these promises are deeply rooted in our freedom in Christ and how they are fulfilled through faith in Yeshua. This video offers a comprehensive look at the spiritual liberation and blessings that come from living a life dedicated to God.

#Isaiah #Torah #Christian #Messianic #apologetics #NT

Part 3
0:32 Targum Jonathan Son of Uziel on Isaiah 58.8-14
2:21 Digging deeper into the TgJ on Isaiah 58.8-11
3:34 Key points about TgJ rendition of Isaiah 58.8-12
7:57 Tanakh and NT parallels to Tosefta Peah 4.18
10:53 The parallel of Matthew 6.19-21 and 1 Timothy 6.17-19 to Tosefta Peah 4.18
14:33 Digging deeper into the TgJ on ISaiah 58.12-14
20:05 Rashi on Isaiah 58.14 Part 1

Live Stream Begins: USA: Wednesday 6:30 PM EST

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