Tehillim / Psalms 88 | ספר תהילים פח, Part 1, The Living God and Obedience Prepares a Place for Him to Dwell


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In this week’s study from Tehillim / Psalms 88:1-17, the Psalm opens saying, א   שִׁיר מִזְמוֹר לִבְנֵי קֹרַח לַמְנַצֵּחַ עַל-מַחֲלַת לְעַנּוֹת מַשְֹכִּיל לְהֵימָן הָאֶזְרָחִי: ב   יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵי יְשׁוּעָתִי יוֹם צָעַקְתִּי בַלַּיְלָה נֶגְדֶּךָ:  A Psalm of the sons of Korah. A Song.  88:1 O Lord, the God of my salvation, I have cried out by day and in the night before You. (NASB)  The psalm continues saying, ג   תָּבוֹא לְפָנֶיךָ תְּפִלָּתִי הַטֵּה-אָזְנְךָ לְרִנָּתִי: ד   כִּי-שָֹבְעָה בְרָעוֹת נַפְשִׁי וְחַיַּי לִשְׁאוֹל הִגִּיעוּ:  ה   נֶחְשַׁבְתִּי עִם-יוֹרְדֵי בוֹר הָיִיתִי כְּגֶבֶר אֵין-אֱיָל: ו   בַּמֵּתִים חָפְשִׁי כְּמוֹ חֲלָלִים | שֹׁכְבֵי קֶבֶר אֲשֶׁר לֹא זְכַרְתָּם עוֹד וְהֵמָּה מִיָּדְךָ נִגְזָרוּ: ז   שַׁתַּנִי בְּבוֹר תַּחְתִּיּוֹת בְּמַחֲשַׁכִּים בִּמְצֹלוֹת: ח   עָלַי סָמְכָה חֲמָתֶךָ וְכָל-מִשְׁבָּרֶיךָ עִנִּיתָ סֶּלָה:  88:2 Let my prayer come before You; Incline Your ear to my cry! 88:3 For my soul has had enough troubles, And my life has drawn near to Sheol. 88:4 I am reckoned among those who go down to the pit; I have become like a man without strength, 88:5 Forsaken among the dead, Like the slain who lie in the grave, Whom You remember no more, And they are cut off from Your hand. 88:6 You have put me in the lowest pit, In dark places, in the depths. 88:7 Your wrath has rested upon me, And You have afflicted me with all Your waves. Selah. (NASB)  It appears the psalmist believes it is the Lord who has brought him down to the pit. Read more here: Tehillim 88-Part1