Tehillim / Psalms 86 ספר תהילים פו, Part 1, Affliction, Need, Justice, Righteousness, Wrath, an Mercy


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In this week’s study from Tehillim / Psalms 86:1-17, the Psalm opens saying, א תְּפִלָּה לְדָוִד הַטֵּה יְהֹוָה אָזְנְךָ עֲנֵנִי כִּי-עָנִי וְאֶבְיוֹן אָנִי: A prayer of David. 86:1 Incline Your ear, O Lord, and answer me; For I am afflicted and needy. (NASB) The Psalmist calls upon the Lord based upon his affliction and need. Does this work in the same way today? The Psalmist continues describing who he is, ב שָׁמְרָה נַפְשִׁי כִּי-חָסִיד אָנִי הוֹשַׁע עַבְדְּךָ אַתָּה אֱלֹהַי הַבּוֹטֵחַ אֵלֶיךָ: ג חָנֵּנִי אֲדֹנָי כִּי-אֵלֶיךָ אֶקְרָא כָּל-הַיּוֹם: ד שַֹמֵּחַ נֶפֶשׁ עַבְדֶּךָ כִּי אֵלֶיךָ אֲדֹנָי נַפְשִׁי אֶשָּׂא: ה כִּי-אַתָּה אֲדֹנָי טוֹב וְסַלָּח וְרַב-חֶסֶד לְכָל-קֹרְאֶיךָ: 86:2 Preserve my soul, for I am a godly man; O You my God, save Your servant who trusts in You. 86:3 Be gracious to me, O Lord, For to You I cry all day long. 86:4 Make glad the soul of Your servant, For to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. 86:5 For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You. (NASB)  The psalmist claims to be a godly man who trusts in the Lord.  He calls upon God’s attributes, He is holy, He is good, and He forgives iniquity, and is abundant in mercy to all who call upon Him.  What a wonderful God we serve!  Read more here: Tehillim 86-Part1