Torah Series
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Bits of Torah Truths, Volume 5, The Torah and Gospel Message Series Paperback – July 9, 2020 As we study the Torah along side of the Gospel Message, we are not looking at a set of rules that one must legalistically follow in order to be saved. It is unfortunate when a Christian hears the phrase: “the Torah and the Gospel Message” the general thought is towards one of performing works in order to get into heaven. Fortunately, the Scriptures do not describe the Torah in this way. This attitude towards the Torah is a product of modern theologies. The Torah (instruction) of God is not simply a set of rules. At the highest (abstract) level, God’s Torah lays the foundation for moral and ethical living and what it means to love God and to love one another as the children of God. The most significant aspect of the Torah in relation to the Gospel Message is to look at our lives to seek and to see how the Lord God is working and leading us to live according to His Word. Buy Here
This book was based upon 2 years work!
Throughout this Torah series, we will look at how the gospel of Jesus (Yeshua) is to live a repentant life, to turn from sin, and to live our lives for the glory of God. Do you believe Jesus will come to destroy those who disobey his gospel? (2 Thessalonians 1) Do you believe the NT teaches this is the same Jesus that will come at a future time to destroy those who reject God’s commands? Is this description of Jesus consistent with who we know him to be according to modern theologies? Based upon these questions, does Jude 1:5 sound like the modern descriptions of who Jesus is as coming back to destroy those who would not believe? (e.g. the Hyper Grace Movement) These questions are very significant, and contain a powerful truth about the Lord God our Father in heaven and Jesus His Messiah. Understanding who Jesus is as God’s Messiah and the the covenant of God will change our understanding of who we are in the Messiah at the most basic level. The Lord wants us to live empowered lives, to overcome sin, and to live for Him in righteousness and truth. It is in these things that he has given us reasons to rejoice, to magnify and glorify his name, which are all related to the work he is doing in our lives. There is a great deception in the world today where various Christian theologies are being brought together to create a different understanding of both the Lord God of Israel, Jesus the Messiah, and the biblical descriptions of who we are as His Children. In this Torah series, we study the importance of repentance as it is related to our salvation and relationship with God. Buy Here
This book was based upon 2 years work!
The Scriptures say in the later times some will fall away (1 Timothy 4:1). There is no question what we are seeing today is a great falling away from the traditional teachings of the faith. The joy of Torah series is designed to help equip us to open our eyes to deception so we can avoid this great falling away. Studying Torah can save your faith! In this Torah series, we study what is meant by the phrase “The Joy of Torah,” and how it is related to the joy of serving God in the way He wants to be served. We look at the five books of Moses with studies in the New Testament, Midrashim, Mishnah, Talmud, and the Classical Commentaries from the Rabbis. Our goal is to immerse ourselves in the language, the history, the culture, and the people who lived in the time of Moses, the Prophets, and the Messiah, in order to deepen our understanding of the Scriptures, increase our faith, and grow in our relationship with the Lord! Buy Here
This book was based upon 2 years work!
Are you living a defeated life? Is there something that seems to be missing in your walk with Christ? The answers to these questions and more may be found in God’s Torah. Yeshua the Messiah used the Vine-and-the-Branches analogy to illustrate that “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) What does it mean to be “a part of” or to “abide” in Christ? In His comparison of the good versus bad branches, Yeshua stated that “All true branches bear fruit.” In addition, He said, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7) Are these Scriptures working for you? The Apostle Paul said, “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) Our faith in the Messiah is not simply an intellectual exercise. As the children of God, we are called to walk in God’s ways in His truth, righteousness, holiness, and justice towards one another. “Bits of Torah Truths, Volume 2, Studying with the rabbis” goes through the Torah Portions with an eye for the practial application of the Scriptures and to live a victorious life. In this book we examine the parallels in the teaching style of the rabbis as compared to Yeshua and the disciples. We also look at errors in modern Church theologies and seek to find the truth about the Messiah and our abiding in Him that is consistent with all of Scripture. In this way, you will learn how studying the Torah can transform your understanding of Yeshua, your faith, and your walk with God! Buy Here This book was based upon 2 years work!
Bits of Torah Truths, 5774 (Vol. 1) (Volume 1) by Dr. Duane D. Miller (2014-01-17) Paperbackby Bits of Torah Truths is a fresh and accessible commentary on the weekly Torah portion looking at the English translation along side the Hebrew text. Studying the Torah (the Five Books of Moses) is a value in and of itself because it is the cornerstone of all of Scripture.
In the greatest command we read the following:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise up.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)
We are told these instructions are to be on our hearts and our lips when we lie down and when we rise up, we are to be daily in the Word of God. Traditionally Torah study was encouraged not only to sharpen one’s mind, but also to serve as a guide for living a moral life. It follows then that if one takes studying the Torah seriously he will choose the right path in life and be the kind of person the Lord wants him to be. Buy Here
This book was based upon 2 years work!
The Torah, an ancient text written thousands of years ago, what is its purpose, how does it relate to the Messiah, and what relationship does the Messiah have to the Torah? According to the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:4 the purpose of the Torah was to reveal the Messiah. The aim of the Torah is to direct us to the Promised One of God and serves as a foundation for knowing more about Him. Israel’s concept of the Messiah grew out of the first five books of Moshe. This book contains studies on the weekly Torah portion examining the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek translations in order to gain a deeper understading of the Messiah. This book cites the primary sources and assumes the reader has a rudimentary understanding of the Hebrew Language being able to use a Hebrew Dictionary. The reader will learn about God’s process and purpose of bringing the Messiah to earth through the nation of Israel. The Lord God Almighty has spoken to us within the pages of the Torah; come let us study together to understand the Messiah according Moses in the Scroll of the Torah. Buy Here
This book was a compilation of 5 years work!
Tehillim / Psalms Series
The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 1-20 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 1The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 1-20 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 1. The hermeneutic approach for interpreting the Psalms is from a Torah perspective examining the theological, historical, moral, and spiritual perspectives. This unique commentary is a verse by verse exposition on the Psalms and the rabbinic commentary. Every chapter of the Book of Psalms is treated as a separate chapter in this book. Each chapter is composed of two major divisions: (i) examining and comparing the original Hebrew (Masoretic Text), Aramaic (Targum Pseudo Jonathan), and Greek (Septuagint) translations of the Psalms for a greater understanding of the words of David and (ii) studying Midrash Tehillim, the Rabbinic commentary on the Psalms. Is our understanding of God consistent with how David understood God and His promises? We also will be looking at parallels in the Rabbinic commentary to New Testament thought. Knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek are not necessary to read this book. Buy here
DetailsLanguage English
Category Religion & Spirituality
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The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 21-40 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 2The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 21-40 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 2. The hermeneutic approach for interpreting the Psalms is from a Torah perspective examining the theological, historical, moral, and spiritual perspectives. This unique commentary is a chapter by chapter exposition and study of the Psalms and the rabbinic commentary. Every chapter of the Book of Psalms is treated as a unit and is a separate chapter in the book. Each chapter is composed of two major divisions: (i) examination and comparison of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek translations of the Psalms for a greater understanding of the words of David and (ii) Rabbinic Midrash on the Psalms. The comments and verse by verse expositions are the meat of the book and consist of examining the Hebrew and Aramaic texts with explanations and interpretations, with a focus on practical application for our lives. In addition to this, we look at parallels found within the New Testament that are consistent with Rabbinic thought. Buy Here
The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 41-60 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 3The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 41-60 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 3. The hermeneutic approach for interpreting the Psalms is from a Torah perspective examining the theological, historical, moral, and spiritual perspectives. This unique commentary is a chapter by chapter exposition and study of the Psalms and the rabbinic commentary. Every chapter of the Book of Psalms is treated as a unit and is a separate chapter in the book. Each chapter is composed of two major divisions: (i) examination and comparison of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek translations of the Psalms for a greater understanding of the words of David and (ii) Rabbinic Midrash on the Psalms. The comments and verse by verse expositions are the meat of the book and consist of examining the Hebrew and Aramaic texts with explanations and interpretations, with a focus on practical application for our lives. In addition to this, we look at parallels found within the New Testament that are consistent with Rabbinic thought. Buy Here
The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 61-80 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 4The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 61-80 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 4. The hermeneutic approach for interpreting the Psalms is from a Torah perspective examining the theological, historical, moral, and spiritual perspectives. This unique commentary is a verse by verse exposition on the Psalms and the rabbinic commentary. Every chapter of the Book of Psalms is treated as a separate chapter in this book. Each chapter is composed of two major divisions: (i) examining and comparing the original Hebrew (Masoretic Text), Aramaic (Targum Pseudo Jonathan), and Greek (Septuagint) translations of the Psalms for a greater understanding of the words of David and (ii) studying Midrash Tehillim, the Rabbinic commentary on the Psalms. Is our understanding of God consistent with how David understood God and His promises? We also will be looking at parallels in the Rabbinic commentary to New Testament thought. Knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek are not necessary to read this book. Buy Here
The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 81-100 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 5The Commentary on the Book of Psalms 81-100 with Midrash Tehillim, Volume 5. The hermeneutic approach for interpreting the Psalms is from a Torah perspective examining the theological, historical, moral, and spiritual perspectives. This unique commentary is a verse by verse exposition on the Psalms and the rabbinic commentary. Every chapter of the Book of Psalms is treated as a separate chapter in this book. Each chapter is composed of two major divisions: (i) examining and comparing the original Hebrew (Masoretic Text), Aramaic (Targum Pseudo Jonathan), and Greek (Septuagint) translations of the Psalms for a greater understanding of the words of David and (ii) studying Midrash Tehillim, the Rabbinic commentary on the Psalms. Is our understanding of God consistent with how David understood God and His promises? We also will be looking at parallels in the Rabbinic commentary to New Testament thought. Knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek are not necessary to read this book. Buy Here
The Psalms commentaries for Volume 6 and 7, I have not had time to publish in book form. Can find the chapters for these at this location: Tehillim / Psalms studies |
Miscellaneous Books
Question: Are you willing to engage the battle for the truth of the Scriptures or just “go with the flow?” Throughout history, commentators have determined that the moral precepts of the Old Testament – in particular, the Ten Commandments – are binding upon Christians, however the civil and ceremonial laws, from the dietary laws to the moedim (appointed times) are not. For example, New Testament commentaries plainly state that Christians are free to eat pulled pork, shrimp and lobster suggesting that God has changed His mind regarding what is clean and unclean in the Torah. However, is there a more worrisome issue at hand regarding the interpretation of the Scriptures on what is clean and unclean that may effect our understanding and relationship with God? Peter heard a voice from heaven that said, “What God has made clean, you must not call profane.” What exactly was the Lord trying to tell Peter in the vision He had given him? Was the vision about food? Did Yeshua or the disciples teach against the Torah? Did the Apostle Paul teach that the inspired Word of God contradicts itself? This book invites the Christian reader to explore the New Testament Scriptures with a new perspective. “The Torah and Holiness” is a call to dedicate our lives to the ancient ways, the eternal truths of the Scriptures that, by His mercy, God has so graciously revealed to us. Jeremiah said “… look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls…” (Jeremiah 6:16) In this book we examine the English, Greek, and Hebrew texts for a fresh look at what the Scriptures say regarding clean and unclean foods and the spiritual implications. Buy Here