Parashat Tazria, Did Yeshua have to say “I am the Messiah?"


This week’s portion contains the mitzvot (Commandments) on the law of Tsaraat
(leprosy).  The name Leprosy comes from the Greek “Lepra” (λ?πρα)
that characterized the disease by ulcerations that appear on the skin as scales.  The
regulation connected to the commandment is found in Vayikra 13 and 14,
and Bamidbar / Numbers 12
.  In the Scriptures’, this disease was regarded
as a direct infliction by God (see Melachim bet / 2 Kings 5:7 and
Divrei Hayyamim bet / 2 Chronicles 26:20
) the disease was regarded as an awful punishment
from the Lord.  The disease eats the inward parts, the bones, swelling of the skin, sores, the
whole body is rotting and in Yeshua’s day this was considered death sentence.  The leper
was to rent his own cloths in lamentation of his own approaching death and cry out “Unclean!
Unclean!” when passers-by came near to keep them away.  In those days, it was only God
who could heal a leper.  When Yeshua healed ten lepers, was it necessary for him to say “
I am the Messiah” in addition to the miracle of healing? 
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