Parashat Pesach: What does the pagan festival Easter have to do with the Saving Power of His Blood?


In this week’s reading in preparation for HaMo’ed Pesach (Passover) we read from Shemot / Exodus 32:12-34:26.  This section begins with a conversation between Moshe and HaShem, Moshe pleaded for mercy for the Children of Yisrael and then asks to see God’s face.  The Lord replies by commanding Moshe to prepare two stone tablets like the previous ones he destroyed and then to obey His mitzvot (commands).  Within the list of commands, we find the command to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Pesach (Passover) holiday.  While reading through the portion of scripture on the Pesach (Shemot / Exodus 34:18-22) it is interesting to read u’peter khamor tifdeh veseh v’im lo tifdev va’arafto …” meaning You shall redeem with a lamb the first offspring of a donkey and if you do not redeem it then you shall break its neck.”  Have you ever wondered what is the meaning of this command for the requirement to redeem the first born of a donkey and if this is not done its neck is to be broken?  Read More here.  and for additional reading: Why Passover