Dr Duane Miller – The Spirit of Deception and Inability to Understand the Truth, ישעיהו יט – Part 4


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00:24 Talmud Bavli Makkot 10a

2:16 Exodus 33,1-3 ספר שמות פרק לג:א-ג

6:13 Psalms 19,7-11 ספר תהילים פרק יט:ז-יא

9:28 Rashi on Isaiah 19,17 Part 1

12:30 Talmud Bavli Menachot 109b – Talmudic answer to the altar and pillar to the God of Israel in Egypt

15:45 Talmud Bavli Menachot 110a

19:57 Midrash Shir HaShirim Rabbah 4:5 Part 1

21:21 Rashi on Isaiah 19,22 Parts 1-3 God smiting and healing

22:07 Deuteronomy 11,26-28 The blessing and the curse of the Torah and the life of a believer

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