Bits of Torah Truths, The Covenant – Repentance Series, Introduction, Part 8, Repentance and the Love of God by the Giving of His Torah


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We are beginning a new Torah series on the Covenant of God, the Repentance Series.  This week’s “Bits of Torah Truths” is an introduction, Part 7.

One might ask, “How are Repentance and the Love of God connected to the Torah?”  The connection is found in the Lord lovingly giving us something to turn towards, to walk in, and to live our lives by.  A way to understand what it means to turn from sin and death unto life which are rooted in righteousness, holiness, justice, and truth.  The challenge for Christians to consider is in the Church’s historical stance toward the Jewish people and the Old Testament (Tanach, ת.נ.ך) as it is related to two thousand years of developed theologies.  According to the Scriptures, the Lord’s covenants and promises to the Jewish people are everlasting; they cannot be revoked, as the Lord has staked his reputation upon their fulfillment.  According to the Scriptures, in both the Tanach and the Apostolic Writings, the Jewish people will forever be God’s people, and the gentiles (non-Jewish persons) are grafted in (Romans 11) to Israel.

While studying the Bible, it is important to take a multidisciplinary approach by considering the history, the culture, the people, and the languages in order to help us understand the Scriptures and how to apply God’s Word to our lives.  MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry examines the Hebrew Scriptures (Masoretic Text), the Aramaic (Targumim), and the Greek (Septuagint), coupled with studies in the rabbinic literature (Talmud Bavli, Mishnah, Midrashim, with the classical commentators: Rashi, Sforno, Rambam, etc). Our goal is to immerse ourselves in the language, the history, the culture, and the people who lived in the time of Moshe, the Prophets, and the Messiah, in order to deepen our understanding of Scripture, increase our faith, and grow in our relationship with the Lord!

I hope you enjoy this short study.  BBT_Introduction-08-2016