Bits of Torah Truths – Torah Concepts in the NT: Be Ready for Coming of Messiah – Episode 228


Bits of Torah Truths – Torah Concepts in the NT: Be Ready for Coming of Messiah – Episode 228

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Matthew 24:44
מד לָכֵן הֱיוּ מוּכָנִים גַּם אַתֶּם, כִּי בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁלֹּא תַּעֲלֶה עַל דַּעְתְּכֶם יָבוֹא בֶּן–הָאָדָם.

Luke 12:40 40
גַּם אַתֶּם הֱיוּ מוּכָנִים, כִּי בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁלֹּא תַּעֲלֶה עַל דַּעְתְּכֶם יָבוֹא בֶּן–הָאָדָם.

Matthew 24:44
24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. (KJV)

Luke 12:40
12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. (KJV)

Here we are told to be Ready for the Messiah’s coming (Matthew 24:44, Luke 12:40). The Torah contains principles and prophecies related to the coming of the Messiah. While it doesn’t explicitly say, “Be ready for the Messiah’s coming,” it provides guidance on how to anticipate and prepare for this significant event. In the Torah, Deuteronomy 30:3-5 testifies to the Messiah’s coming. It states that God will gather the people from among the nations, even if they are in distant lands. This promise assures us that redemption is part of God’s plan. Maimonides (Rambam) also emphasizes that belief in and eager anticipation of the Messiah are essential. Whoever denies the Messiah’s coming effectively denies the entire Torah and the prophets. Waiting for the Messiah is an integral part of Jewish faith. In summary, the Torah teaches us to believe, await, and prepare for the Messiah’s arrival. The Torah has not passed away!