Bits of Torah Truths – The Stone Rejected, a Torah Parallel – Episode 182


Bits of Torah Truths – The Stone Rejected, a Torah Parallel – Episode 182

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1 Peter 2:7
ז עַל כֵּן לָכֶם הַמַּאֲמִינִים הִיא אֶבֶן הַיְּקָר, אֲבָל לַסּוֹרְרִים –– ״אֶבֶן מָאֲסוּ הַבּוֹנִים הָיְתָה לְרֹאשׁ פִּנָּה״, (תהילים קיח׳ כב׳)

1 Peter 2:7
2:7 This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, “THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone,” (NASB)

Psalm 118:22
118:22 The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone. (NASB)

This verse from 1 Peter 2:7 quotes from Psalms 118:22 and speaks of a rejected stone which ultimately becomes central and foundational. This is often interpreted as a reference to the Messiah. The closest Torah parallel to this verse is found in the wording, and the story of Joseph (Genesis 37:23-24) when his brothers rejected him, throwing him into a pit and selling him to Midianite traders. Later on Joseph rose to prominence and became a cornerstone in Egypt saving his family and all of Egypt during the famine. These things reveal how important it is to study these Scriptures, and how the Torah has not passed away!