Bits of Torah Truths – Suffering for Righteousness Sake, a Torah Concept Found in the NT – Episode 191


Bits of Torah Truths – Suffering for Righteousness Sake, a Torah Concept Found in the NT – Episode 191

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2 Peter 2:22
כב הִתְמַמֵּשׁ בָּהֶם הַמָּשָׁל הָאֲמִתִּי׃ ״הַכֶּלֶב שָׁב עַל–קֵאוֹ״, (משלי כו׳ יא׳) וְגַם ״הַחֲזִיר עוֹלֶה מִן הָרַחֲצָה לְהִתְגּוֹלֵל בָּרֶפֶשׁ״.

2 Peter 2:22
22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. (KJV)

Proverbs 26:11
11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, So a fool returneth to his folly. (KJV)

The Torah provides us with powerful principles that caution us against falling back into harmful patterns and encourages us to pursue righteousness and wisdom in our pursuit of the God of Israel. These powerful principles are drawn out in 2 Peter 2:22 when Peter uses a powerful aphorism that draws a parallel between a dog returning to its vomit and a fool repeating their folly. The imagery is vivid and repulsive: a dog goes back to consume its own vomit, considered an unclean animal scavenging for food among the dead. Similarly, a fool persistently engages in foolish and unrighteous behavior. God’s principles however encourage moral behavior and discipline. The Torah states the “wise,” are those who embody careful and righteous behavior, and similarly Peter is using this Torah principle and analogy to teach Torah to the People of God.