Becoming Superhuman – Turning from addiction – Episode 1


Becoming Superhuman – Turning from addiction – Episode 1

John 10:10
י אֵין הַגַּנָּב בָּא אֶלָּא לִגְנֹב וְלַהֲרֹג וּלְהַשְׁמִיד. אֲנִי בָּאתִי כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּהְיוּ לָהֶם חַיִּים וּבְשֶׁפַע שֶׁיִּהְיוּ לָהֶם.

The enemy works through addiction. We note that addiction can come in many forms, drugs, alcohol, pride, sex, etc. Notice also that some of these things are accepted by society, that doesn’t make these things OK because if they are not overcome, they will completely ensnare and destroy because these are not of God. Yeshua said “I have come to give you life and that you have it more abundantly!” This is a powerful truth! When faith in the God of Israel is included, people experience real freedom and Yeshua says that He will show us the way! There is power in the name of Yeshua, if we confess our sins and seek to turn from them! It is in this way that we become superhuman!