Becoming Superhuman – Be Ready to Have God Remove All Your Defects of Character – Episode 7


The Secret to Becoming Superhuman: Letting Go of Your Character Flaws. Be Ready to Have God Remove All Your Defects of Character – Episode 7

ספר ירמיה פרק לג
ח וְטִהַרְתִּים מִכָּל-עֲוֹנָם אֲשֶׁר חָטְאוּ-לִי וְסָלַחְתִּי לְכָול [לְכָל] -עֲוֹנוֹתֵיהֶם אֲשֶׁר חָטְאוּ-לִי וַאֲשֶׁר פָּשְׁעוּ בִי

What we read here from the Neviim section of the Tanakh is to be prepared for a powerful work by God in our lives! This comes through being honest about who we are, admitting our sins. If we persistently hold on to sin God cannot remove that sin from our lives! If we really want freedom, we must honestly let go of our addictions and turn from our sins! This is what it takes to become superhuman!