2010-2011, 2012-2013 Torah Portions

NAME PDF Word Document Title
B’reisheet Link-PDF Word-Doc Is Yeshua (Jesus) God?
Noach Link-PDF Word-Doc Giving rest from the work and toil of our hands
Lech Lecha Link-PDF Word-Doc Avraham was led by faith
Vayera Link-PDF Word-Doc The One whom Avraham is speaking to
Chayei Sarah Link-PDF Word-Doc Being honest by remembering God’s covenant
Toldot Link-PDF Word-Doc Birthright, knowledge, and grace
Vayetze Link-PDF Word-Doc Yeshua is our ladder to Heaven
Vayishlach Link-PDF Word-Doc The City Gate, A Place of Power and Authority
Vayeshev Link-PDF Word-Doc Choose righteousness, do not forget God in your prosperity.
Miketz Link-PDF Word-Doc Sin and unrepentance
Vayigash Link-PDF Word-Doc Believing a lie and taking pleasure in wickedness
Vayechi Link-PDF Word-Doc Our strength is in Him!
NAME PDF Word Doc Title
Shemot Link-PDF Word-Doc The Lord will cause the Increase!
Va’era Link-PDF Word-Doc The hiddenness of God
Bo Link-PDF Word-Doc Is the Lord hardening your Heart?
Beshalach Link-PDF Word-Doc “Yeshua” or “Yahshua” and What is Missed in the Hebrew Text?
Yitro Link-PDF Word-Doc Why does God allow sin to continue?
Mishpatim Link-PDF Word-Doc Why do we have to read all these rules and regulations?
Terumah Link-PDF Word-Doc God’s plan for Israel and why it matters to us?
Tetzaveh Link-PDF Word-Doc Consecrated unto the Lord
Ki Tisa Link-PDF Word-Doc Be angry and sin not
Vayak’hel/Pekudei Link-PDF Word-Doc In Christ even the impossible is possible
NAME PDF Word Document Title
Vayikra Link-PDF Word-Doc Be salted in Christ the Messiah
Tzav Link-PDF Word-Doc The priest, The Messiah and Atonement for Sin
Pesach Link-PDF Word-Doc
Sh’mini Link-PDF Word-Doc He was meant to bear away the guilt of the congregation
Tazria/Metzora Link-PDF Word-Doc The Lord who makes us Clean
Acharei Mot/Kedoshim Link-PDF Word-Doc Shomer Mitzvah Shomer Nafsho?
Emor Link-PDF Word-Doc Walking in purity before our God in the midst of atonement
Behar/Bechukotai Link-PDF Word-Doc What does it mean to have a circumcised heart?
NAME PDF Word Document Title
Bamidbar Link-PDF Word-Doc Taking a census of my own life; is that a sin?
Shavuot Link-PDF Word-Doc
Nasso Link-PDF Word-Doc Repentance is required for us!
Beha’alotcha Link-PDF Word-Doc Walking in the Truth and Light of His Word
Shelach Link-PDF Word-Doc The fear of the Lord is a healthy thing
Korach Link-PDF Word-Doc Reckless abandon
Chukat Link-PDF Word-Doc Looking to the One who was lifted up
Balak Link-PDF Word-Doc The importance of prayer
Pinchas Link-PDF Word-Doc The blessing of the King Messiah
Mattot/Massei Link-PDF Word-Doc Fire, Water, and God’s Holiness
NAME PDF Word Document Title
Devarim Link-PDF Word-Doc Faith in the Promises
Va’etchanan Link-PDF Word-Doc Moshe the prototypic Mashiach
Ekev Link-PDF Word-Doc Pursuing the God
Re’eh Link-PDF Word-Doc If you abide in Me, and MY words abide in you
Shoftim Link-PDF Word-Doc Shoftim vShotrim (Judges and Officers)
Ki Tetze Link-PDF Word-Doc Who we are in Christ as God’s chosen people!
Ki Tavo Link-PDF Word-Doc Is it important to diligently study the Bible?
Nitzavim Link-PDF Word-Doc How important is Circumcision today?
Rosh HaShanah Link-PDF Word-Doc
Vayelech Link-PDF Word-Doc How important is Circumcision today?
Yom Kippur Link-PDF Word-Doc How important is Yom Kippur for us today?
Ha’azinu Link-PDF Word-Doc The Torah on God Buying and Selling
Sukkot Link-PDF Word-Doc A Midrash on Achari Mot and HaMoed Sukkot
Semini Atzeret / Simchat Torah Link-PDF Word-Doc
Vezot ha’Bracha Link-PDF Word-Doc