2007-2008 Torah Portions

NAME PDF Word Document Title
B’reisheet Link-PDF Word-Doc Why can’t I see the evidence for creation when I am
told it is all around me?
Noach Link-PDF Word-Doc Why does a loving God allow bloodshed and sin?
Lech Lecha Link-PDF Word-Doc What are you waiting for?
Vayera Link-PDF Word-Doc Have you looked at the bible in a worldly way?
Chayei Sarah Link-PDF Word-Doc Why “Almah” is such a significant Hebrew word!
Toldot Link-PDF Word-Doc The Importance of Faith and Birthright!
Vayetze Link-PDF Word-Doc In the midst of blessing we still have trials!
Vayishlach Link-PDF Word-Doc Spiritual Surrender
Vayeshev Link-PDF Word-Doc Are You Spiritually in Tune?
Miketz Link-PDF Word-Doc A humble life is a blessed life!
Vayigash Link-PDF Word-Doc God begins by shining a light in the darkness of our hearts
Vayechi Link-PDF Word-Doc Our Willingness to Receive
NAME PDF Word Doc Title
Shemot Link-PDF Word-Doc A man on a mission
Va’era Link-PDF Word-Doc אני יהוה / Ani Hashem
Bo Link-PDF Word-Doc Culture, Tradition, and Heritage.
Beshalach Link-PDF Word-Doc Bread from Heaven
Yitro Link-PDF Word-Doc What is the church neglecting today?
Mishpatim Link-PDF Word-Doc The Torah is more than a bunch of do’s and do not’
Terumah Link-PDF Word-Doc The Image of the Mishkhan
Tetzaveh Link-PDF Word-Doc The Eternal Covenant
Ki Tisa Link-PDF Word-Doc Moshe Rabbeinu Most Praiseworthy Act
Vayak’hel Link-PDF Word-Doc Has Righteousness Conceptually Changed in the Church Today?
Pekudei Link-PDF Word-Doc Is Yeshua the Shekhina glory of G-d?
NAME PDF Word Document Title
Vayikra Link-PDF Word-Doc Do you understand the scriptures as the first century Jews?
Tzav Link-PDF Word-Doc The Reoccurring Korbanot
Pesach I Link-PDF Word-Doc
Pesach VII Link-PDF Word-Doc
Sh’mini Link-PDF Word-Doc Do you have a correct heart before G-d?
Tazria Link-PDF Word-Doc Sin, Leprosy, and being clean.
Metzora Link-PDF Word-Doc Do you know how leprosy is related to lashon hara?
Acharei Mot Link-PDF Word-Doc Do Heavenly things require sacrifice?
Kedoshim Link-PDF Word-Doc Patience and Holiness?
Emor Link-PDF Word-Doc Our Responsibility and the problem of being Ignorant!
Behar Link-PDF Word-Doc Do you have a Greek or Hebraic mindset?
Bechukotai Link-PDF Word-Doc When things go well do you forget about the Lord?
NAME PDF Word Document Title
Bamidbar Link-PDF Word-Doc Comments on Midrash Bamidbar Rabba 1:7
Shavuot Link-PDF Word-Doc
Nasso Link-PDF Word-Doc Did you know the vow of the Nazir/Nazarite applies to you today?
Beha’alotcha Link-PDF Word-Doc Do You Understand the Significance of the Lord’s Table?
Shelach Link-PDF Word-Doc Have you ever studied the etymology of Hebrew Names?
Korach Link-PDF Word-Doc Do you believe G-d or Man Made Doctrines?
Chukat Link-PDF1 Link-PDF2 Word-Doc How does Righteousness and Holiness work?
Balak Link-PDF Word-Doc Selfish traits and obeying G-d are they compatible?
Pinchas Link-PDF Word-Doc A covenant of peace and an everlasting priesthood
Mattot Link-PDF Word-Doc Koshering our lives
Massei Link-PDF Word-Doc Have you destroyed the strongholds in your life?
NAME PDF Word Document Title
Devarim Link-PDF Word-Doc Being close, being tight with HaShem that is what is most important!
Va’etchanan Link-PDF Word-Doc The uniqueness of our G-d!
Ekev Link-PDF Word-Doc Is your life ordinary or extraordinary?
Re’eh Link-PDF Word-Doc The Messiah, the virgin birth, and the very first mitzvah found in the Torah.
Shoftim Link-PDF Word-Doc What’s missed if you don’t read Hebrew, Yeshua the Messiah?
Ki Tetze Link-PDF Word-Doc Your ways versus G-d’s ways?
Ki Tavo Link-PDF Word-Doc Are you making the same mistakes as yesterday?
Nitzavim Link-PDF Word-Doc Divine Parenting / Relationship / Community
Rosh HaShanah Link-PDF Word-Doc
Vayelech Link-PDF Word-Doc Z’man Matan Torah and Yeshua the Messiah
Yom Kippur Link-PDF Word-Doc
Ha’azinu Link-PDF Word-Doc Countering religious hypocrisy?
Sukkot I Link-PDF Word-Doc
Semini Atzeret / Simchat Torah Link-PDF Word-Doc
Vezot ha’Bracha Link-PDF Word-Doc Moshe’s death and Yom Kippur?